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Our CSR commitments

Our commitments

Equipe Removall

Removall, a purpose-driven company

All Removall employees were mobilized to define the company’s mission.

In 2023, the company modified its legal status of association to officially acquire the status of a mission-driven company. Removall’s purpose is the following:

« Accelerating together the development of solutions with a positive impact on climate, communities, and biodiversity ».

This mission inspires us every day, in all our actions and all our projects.

Our Sustainability Committee

Removall’s Sustainability Committee, made up of employees from each of the company’s departments, is responsible for defining and implementing the company’s sustainable development policy.

With the support of the Executive Committee, the Sustainability Committee acts on a daily basis and meets quarterly to review progress and plan future actions.


Our approach and actions

Thanks to the commitment of its Sustainability Committee and all its employees, Removall has implemented a large number of actions and programs as part of its sustainable development policy, including:

Ecovadis Certificate 2024

Our CSR assessments

Committed to a continuous improvement approach and willing to benefit from an external assessment of its sustainability policy carried out by an independent third party, Removall decided to carry out its first EcoVadis assessment in 2023, followed by the second one in 2024.

We are proud to have been awarded the EcoVadis Silver Medal, placing Removall in the top 6% of companies evaluated.
